2023 Pumpkin Display
Every year, our Grounds department puts together a breathtaking pumpkin display around the main part of our campus. It’s always an impressive sight to see and sure does get our residents and staff in the holiday spirit!

Every year, our Grounds department puts together a breathtaking pumpkin display around the main part of our campus. It’s always an impressive sight to see and sure does get our residents and staff in the holiday spirit!
Our Annual Health & Fitness forum provides our residents with the opportunity to hear from different speakers and vendors discussing topics related to health and wellness. We had at least 120 people come through this year who enjoyed this fun and interactive way to promote health and fitness. The “Fender Blender” smoothie bike sure was a hit! Everyone had a great time and we look forward to making it an even bigger success next year!
The Panorama community recently came together to celebrate our new courtyard and mark the dedication of this space to residents and staff in honor of Fred Goldberg, Panorama’s longtime Board Chairman. The beautiful space provided a great atmosphere for everyone to mingle and have a good time!
We wrapped up our annual School Supplies Drive by stuffing the Panorama Bus full of supplies to be delivered to the North Thurston Public Schools’ Family & Youth Resource Center. Our residents and staff donated school supplies and together filled about four large donation barrels!
One of our residents, age 105, recently won first place overall in Panorama’s semi-annual Marathon Bridge event. She and her partner received the award at a luncheon on July 28th in our on-campus restaurant, Seventeen51! Over the past two decades, she has managed, coordinated, and promoted various bridge opportunities for our residents.
One of our resident groups, the Green Team, recently hosted a Sustainability Walking Tour around campus. It included multiple stops with expert speakers on different topics. It was extremely informative and fun! The video below includes some highlights from the event. Click here to learn more about the Green Team and sustainability efforts at Panorama.
New to our performance list are acrobats and aerialists! The Wings Aerial Acrobats performed a fantastic show recently in McGandy Park on our campus. Residents and staff alike were blown away by the talent and look forward to this event returning in the future!
This annual event is well-loved and offers residents the chance to jog, run or bike the 3.1 miles through many neighborhoods around campus. It’s a great opportunity to connect with others, get some exercise in and of course, have some fun!
We celebrated National Skilled Nursing Week this year with a series of fun events, including a daily talent show, muffin and cookie delivery carts, a kindness wall, pie eating contest, an art show and candy grams. We deeply appreciate our Convalescent and Rehabilitation residents and staff!
Our Annual Pickleball Clinic, led by our Aquatic and Fitness Coordinator, is always a hit. It’s a great opportunity for residents to meet other players, learn more about the game and most importantly, have some fun!