Kathy Wolf, Grounds Administrator/ Lead Gardener, Panorama employee for 16 years.
What is your role at Panorama?
“I do any ordering of supplies, tools, plants, etc. needed for day to day activities. I assist the Grounds Maintenance Manager with managing work orders, projects and help wherever else she feels it is needed. I also help staff learn more about their job and how to do it properly, including plant ID, pest issues and overall plant health. Basically, I help facilitate organization and communication amongst all of our staff, to help the department run smoothly.”
What is your favorite part of your job?
“Working around the residents, especially the ones who really enjoy being outside and gardening. I always have conversations with the ones that are master gardeners because they can always teach me something. Every time I can teach a resident something about what we do, or landscaping in general or plants in general…that makes me happy and enjoy being here even more.”
What attributes should an employee in Senior Living possess?
“Patience and good communication skills are important in order to understand where residents are coming from. Many residents are curious about projects we work on and so being an outgoing person is helpful when talking to them and other staff members. Lastly, good listening skills; I don’t think enough people sit down and really listen. Residents have lived more life than we have and so there’s always something you can take from their stories.”