Panorama is closely monitoring the coronavirus situation and taking appropriate precautions.

Volunteer Fair

Residents recently had a wonderful opportunity to learn from neighbors about their volunteer experiences and the non-profits that they give their time, talent, and energy to in Thurston County. It was a fantastic event that brought the community together and highlighted the valuable work being done by volunteers and the over 30 non-profit organizations that were represented.

Campus History

Looking Back at Panorama

by Deborah Ross, Resident Archivist 

The Chalet was an important example of mid-century modern architecture when it was dedicated in 1968. In the photo to the left from about 1970 we look out from the second story of one of the soaring corner units. Note the fancy chandelier!

Source: Sprengel collection Panorama

Holiday Celebrations

It may be cold outside, but our campus was full of warmth and holiday cheer this week as Christmas drew near!

Staff and residents had a wonderful time, between spirit week, the C&R gingerbread contest, staff holiday party, Santa delivering presents to our Assisted Living Residents, performances and more!

Spirit week featured a variety of themes, such as Candy Cane Day, Holiday Heads and Toes, Winter Wednesday, Snowflake Day, and Christmas Tree Green!

Our Human Resources Department also played Santa and delivered prizes to over 100 deserving employees!

Gingerbread Lane!

Staff and residents decorated their own gingerbread houses this year, all of which contributed to our amazing Gingerbread Lane display. Panorama Hall was lit up with smiles and laughter as people admired each other’s work. It was a wonderful and creative way to celebrate the holiday season!

Giving Tree

Our annual Giving Tree event was a great success! We adopted local families through the North Thurston Public Schools Family and Youth Resource Center and Family Education Support Services. Overall, Panorama residents, staff and vendors donated 235 presents to 11 families with 35 children. We are so grateful to everyone who joined us in spreading holiday joy!

2023 Pumpkin Display

Every year, our Grounds department puts together a breathtaking pumpkin display around the main part of our campus. It’s always an impressive sight to see and sure does get our residents and staff in the holiday spirit!

2023 Health & Fitness Forum

Our Annual Health & Fitness forum provides our residents with the opportunity to hear from different speakers and vendors discussing topics related to health and wellness. We had at least 120 people come through this year who enjoyed this fun and interactive way to promote health and fitness. The “Fender Blender” smoothie bike sure was a hit! Everyone had a great time and we look forward to making it an even bigger success next year!

Courtyard Dedication

The Panorama community recently came together to celebrate our new courtyard and mark the dedication of this space to residents and staff in honor of Fred Goldberg, Panorama’s longtime Board Chairman. The beautiful space provided a great atmosphere for everyone to mingle and have a good time!

School Supplies Drive

We wrapped up our annual School Supplies Drive by stuffing the Panorama Bus full of supplies to be delivered to the North Thurston Public Schools’ Family & Youth Resource Center. Our residents and staff donated school supplies and together filled about four large donation barrels!

Bridge Marathon!

One of our residents, age 105, recently won first place overall in Panorama’s semi-annual Marathon Bridge event. She and her partner received the award at a luncheon on July 28th in our on-campus restaurant, Seventeen51! Over the past two decades, she has managed, coordinated, and promoted various bridge opportunities for our residents.